Demo Program

We are happy to offer a treeless saddle demo program. We work one-on-one with our customers to ensure the best fit for you and your horse – and are here to answer questions and offer help throughout the life of your saddle. 

Freefrom treeless saddle on a bay horse - we offer a saddle demo program.

We work hard to make sure you get the saddle and fit you are wanting. However, if we think the saddle is not a fit for your needs, we will let you know in the beginning, so as not to waste your time and money – or ours. We’re proud to say that our saddle return rate is 6% at best.

Once you’ve spoken with us and selected the right saddle for your needs, it’s time to try it out.

How the Demo Program Works

  • You will need to buy a new saddle.
  • A 5% saddle restocking fee is charged for all returned saddles. This is 5% of the saddle price only (not charged on pads or accessories). 
  • From the date your Freeform treeless saddle arrives, you have 7 days to test it out. For saddles kept 7 days or longer, you will be charged $10/day – unless previously approved. This is in addition to the 5% restocking fee.
  • Please keep the saddle in like NEW condition – saddles tags in place, clean, and free from hair and dirt. We understand riding can be dirty! If saddle is returned damaged or dirty, charges will apply to the refund.
  • Do NOT use your saddle on long trail rides, conditioning rides or endurance rides. Doing so deems the saddle USED - and we can no longer accept it back.
  • Please call before returning your saddle. If the saddle is returned without approval, there will be an additional 15% restocking fee, for a total of 20%.
  • You will be responsible for shipping both ways if returning.
  • When the saddle is received, it will be gone over and a credit issued.
  • NOTE: It may take as long as 7 days for the refund to credit your card. We process it as soon as we receive it; however, the bank may have a delay in posting your credit.

Saddle Demo Tips

  • Make the correct adjustment(s) to the horse's fit, per our advice.  Remember, we are here to help you get the perfect fit!
  • Please take a moment to watch our videos on saddle fit and more - sometimes it's easier to see visuals. You can also watch via our Vimeo video channel.
  • While testing out your new saddle, we recommend you take short 20 minute rides.
  • Take time to adjust your seat and stirrups leathers. Sometimes it is a small adjustment of ¼”. This can take several rides to find the right placement; then it’s magical.
  • You will be using different muscles going treeless. It takes some time to adjust.
  • Please call your Rep with any questions. We’re here for you!

See also Trying Out Your New Saddle for more information and tips.

Helpful Resources to Learn More:

  • Fitting Your Horse & You - Choosing the right saddle and pad, factoring in weight, fitting with panels, evaluating cinch/girth length and tips for trying out your saddle
  • Overview of Freeform Saddles - Find out what makes Freeform unique, including saddle details; sizing, features and options; and saddle care.
  • FAQs - Often when someone is considering changing from something they are used to - like a saddle with a tree, to an unknown - like a saddle without a tree, they have many questions. Find answers in our FAQs.
  • Watch Videos - Get saddle fitting tips, saddle spotlights, saddle care & setup tips, plus quick changes with accessories and tips for gaited horses
  • Saddle Guides - Considering treeless saddles for your gaited horse? Start here Saddles for Gaited Horses & Tips for You, See also Saddles for Trail Riding and for Endurance Riding.
  • Saddle Demo Program - We work with you one-on-one to ensure the best fit for you and your horse. We’re proud to say that our saddle return rate is less than 6%.
  • Raves from Riders - Browse the many raves that riders have shared over the years about the benefits of Freeform treeless saddles