HAF Saddle Pads for Treeless & Treed Saddles

We have a beautiful selection of HAF saddle pads for endurance, trail, & western riders. These pads are very breathable and we always get good feedback from our customers who use them. They work with a variety of treed and treeless saddles and they are durable as well as stylish. They are easy to clean and super light weight. Many of the comments that we hear on these pads refer to their breathability; hence, they allow the horse's back to keep cool. There are some horses who simply do not like wool back pads and they seem to enjoy the comfort of the sympanova padding that the HAF pads are famous for. With our treeless saddles, we recommend using our Velcro panel system if you need the extra height for wither clearance. The foam inserts are not super thick in the HAF pad, yet they are fairly firm. Please contact Paulita at paulitaneff@gmail.com or Whitney at 540-271-4577 with any questions - we're here to help!