By Tammy Gagnon
I have been doing Endurance for about 20 yrs now. I went the gauntlet of saddle hunting and buying in order to fit our horses ever-developing contours that came with conditioning and competing with sport - and spent copious and obscene amounts of money in the process.
My sister bought a Freeform (used). I was skeptical at first, thinking there is no way since I had tried other "treeless" and adjustable saddles with all the same results. So, I tried hers out. Then I bought it off her when she decided to stay with more traditional western riding. Two years later, I bought the Freeform Classic with the Cutback option and a set of panel inserts (for those special needs project horses) and still have the same saddle to train and compete in.
I now have over 3000 miles in this saddle and it still looks virtually new. I have only had to replace my leathers once and typically keep them well guarded with fleece wraps. It has a few wear spots from the last season, because I rode it pretty hard with a torn acl and a mechanical knee brace for the last 1300 miles. But this saddle has been by far the best saddle that I have ever owned, I have managed to clean out my tackroom from the plethora of saddles that I will no longer use, at least for endurance.
From the start, the difference in how my horses moved, responded and developed and felt were extremely obvious. Gone, was the bracing, the choppy strides during the latter part of our workouts, they became softer, more supple, more responsive and I could literally feel their back muscle work under my seat! We have had no pressure spots, no soreness, no short strides from a pinched back or core fatigue due to excessive weight. I have since ordered another one this last week, so I have two.
I ride as a Feather Weight in our sport and my husband rides at the upper end of the Heavyweight Division. Both of us love our saddles! He had a western seat on his where mine is the Classic which is pretty close to a dressage style. I LOVE the fact that we can adjust our stirrups for a more forward or back or centered seat in the saddle. I prefer to ride with more of an equitation style where my husband (he has a hip deformity) rides with his legs more forward (looks like he's sitting in a chair), but we both are very happy with the amount of tailoring to suit both horse and rider that we have only found with these Freeform Saddles! Even after doing multi-day 50's or 100's, including Tevis!
Thank you Freeform for making such incredible craftsmanship! Our horses and our hineys THANK YOU!!!
Chelsea Arnold
My first Freeform saddle was an Icelandic shortback cutback. Not only is it still my favorite after 7 years, but it has withstood tons of training and competition miles. I have never had a sore back on my horses and with the Velcro and panel system, I can customize the saddle to fit most any horse. I have never had a rub or issues personally using my Freeform. Even riding all day and night at Tevis, a true testament to how well these saddles fit horse and rider. My biggest challenge to saddle fit is my husband’s big 100 mile horse. He has big withers but a wide back so I have played with the panels and saddle pads to find his perfect fit. When we got him, he had huge pockets behind his withers which made him super hard to saddle fit as all treed saddles would slide back and fall into that pocket and make him sore. With the Freeform, I was able to get a good fit with no pressure points so he could build those muscles up. Now we don’t have the big pockets anymore! My latest youngster is a whole new saddle fit challenge. He is super wide and short backed and the flap on the Icelandic won’t contour around his roundness. I am thinking a Freeform without the panels will allow me to fit his back better as every treed saddle is causing soreness and I know my answer lies with a more streamlined Freeform model that will allow his big shoulders to move freely and let him truly use himself better.
March 29, 2024
Diane Jackson
The freeform treeless saddle is beneficial for both horse and rider. The saddle is built to give freedom of shoulder movement for the horse. The padded seat, close contact fenders and adjustable girth attachments give options for a more comfortable ride for both rider and horse. The saddle is very lightweight which reduces the overall weight that the horse will carry.
The challenges that I am having with my standardbred is that he paces and the saddle I am currently using slides back. I have tried using a breast collar but it seams to irritate him. I have used padding over his wither area to keep my saddle up off his withers. He was a rescue and is currently gaining his topline back. It has made for a difficult fit with a standard saddle and pad. He loves to move out in his pace which my current saddle doesn’t have a good knee roll to keep my leg and body in a correct position and I get jostled out a bit. Even though a barrel racing saddle is lighter weight, it is no where near the lightness of the freeform treeless saddle.
I believe that my new best life long friend, Ranger, aka My Real Love, would benefit from the Freeform treeless saddle due to it being lightweight on his back, it being able to give way for his shoulder movement and keeping me securely in a proper position when he moves out in his big pace. He was severely underweight upon being rescued and has come a long way and enjoys just riding leasurly while gaining his topline, butt muscles and overall strength back. I hope we are chosen for the contest so I can give him a great restart of the rest of his life. Thank you . Diane and My Real Love (Ranger)
March 22, 2024
Rachael Reeder
Thanks for the entry!
March 16, 2024
Karen Hill
I have a little mare that is narrow in the withers and have a hard time finding a saddle that doesn’t set on her. I have been using 2 blankets but summer is coming. And do not want to over heat her either. 😫 I only trail ride but the rides aren’t short either.
I would love to have this for my mare. She sure would appreciate it as well.
March 11, 2024
Cassie Cameron
I have a Moreisian just started under saddle. Would love a saddle fit to her!
I think treeless saddles allow for a closer connection with your horse. This will allow you to create a better bond with better balance between horse and rider.
My challenge with saddle fit is that I got out of horses for 15+ years. Things are way different now and saddle comfort was an extra thick foam pad in the day. I am trying to educate myself but I lost most of my contacts in the world. You see my mother was killed by a horse when I was 13. I kept the horses I had but my connection to the horse world slowly suffered and died since I tried to struggle on without parental help.My father did not want me to continue with it but I was able to until I married and my last horse passed just months before my wedding. I need help again. I purchased 2 long yearlings 2 years ago and developed a bond with them. One is at the trainer and I am starting the other myself. These creatures are bringing me such happiness and I want to do the best I can for them.
I have a small gypsy cross that has a short back and I need a saddle for her and myself. I am hoping to find one that will allow me to continue her training with out problems of saddle fit constantly getting in the way.
Thanks for your consideration,
March 10, 2024
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