Winner Announcement
A big thank you to everyone who entered. We read through each and every one and were so touched by your stories and sharing. I wish I could give you all a saddle!
For the top 25 names that were in the bowl, look out for a very special email from us in April, that will include a special offer.
For everyone else that entered a huge thank you, we’ll contact you with a special thank you offer also.
Congratulations to our winner, Leah! We'll reach out to you this weekend so we can get you your new Ultimate Trail Saddle!
Whitney and I will be traveling in April to the Italy factory to work on saddles - I'm reachable by email, but it may take me a few days to get back to you.
Happy Trails!
We're Giving Away A Freeform Ultimate Trail Saddle!
Will you be the lucky winner? The Freeform Ultimate Trail is our best selling and most comfortable saddle! Learn more about it and read rider reviews here.
How to Enter
Please review our website and answer the following questions by leaving a comment below - at the bottom of this blog post. Please answer in three short paragraphs:
- Why are Freeform treeless saddles beneficial for horses and riders?
- What challenges have you and your horse had with saddles and saddle fit?
- How will a Freeform saddle specifically help you and your horse?
Contest Rules
- Answer all three questions thoughtfully. We'll read all entries. The top contenders who express their love of Freeform and the benefits of our saddles will go into a hat for a drawing!!
- You must answer all three questions to be eligible.
- Scroll to the very bottom of this page to the Leave a Comment box and enter your reply.
- Comments left on Facebook do not count as entries.
- Open to U.S. Residents only.
- Contest closes March 29, 2024.
Winners Announcement & Notification
WHEN: Drawing and winner's announcement are March 30, 2024.
HOW: Winners are posted on this blog post and our Facebook page: Freeform Treeless Saddles.
Please check for our winner’s announcement. Instructions will be posted to claim your saddle. This is the only way to notify the winners.
Good luck and tell your friends!
Why are Freeform treeless saddles beneficial for horses and riders?
While treeless saddles provide numerous benefits for both horse and rider, Freeform offers so many customization options that can be tailored to each individual person and horse combination. Treeless saddles accommodate the ever-changing musculature of a horses back while also offering exceptional closeness for the rider. This offers the ability to be much more specific in your communication with your seat and leg guides. It lets the horse feel what the rider is doing in their body without a fixed tree to interfere with that communication. A Freeform treeless saddle is comfortable for both horse and rider and will last a lifetime.
What challenges have you and your horse had with saddles and saddle fit?
My horse was a Friesian/Morgan Cross. He had especially wide sprung ribs and a narrow wither area. I found most saddles caused some lumbar discomfort for him. His back changed over the years (with work and aging) and trying to fit him in a treed saddle required numerous flockings, shimming pads, and never quite feeling like he was actually comfortable. There was always a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I was causing him discomfort while riding him. But, he was such a good natured horse and always tried to be a good boy so I worried that I wouldn’t know if he was uncomfortable. I rode him in mounted patrol and stumbled across Freeform Treeless saddles when our unit was looking for equipment. Our unit got them and never looked back.
How will a Freeform saddle specifically help you and your horse?
This past fall, my horse passed away and I am starting to look for a new partner. A Freeform treeless saddle, would be the perfect saddle as I search, because I know that with the proper accessories, I will be able to fit any partner that comes into my life. I already know that Freeform makes exceptional and beautiful equipment that stands up to heavy use. And, I can rest assured knowing that both of us will be comfortable and happy in our gear.
March 27, 2024
Pamela Logan
The free form saddle appears to be just what I need for my new gaited horse that doesn’t have a saddle that fits correctly yet. I’ve wanted to try a saddle like this as the treed saddles I’ve tried do not fit yet. I’d love to be able to show off my saddle to my friends and would buy another one if I get lucky enough to win.
March 27, 2024
Cathy Robertson
March 27, 2024
Desmond DeGroot
Freeform saddles are beneficial to both horses and riders for an abundance of reasons. For horses, the lack of tree provides the ability for the saddle to conform to their backs. It also has the ability to be versatile on a multitude of horses. It is beneficial to riders, as the seats are made with gel and foam for ultimate comfort and support, and while it was originally designed for women, I find it works well for men as well. A perk to both horses and riders is how light the saddle is.
I ride two horses, mainly, each with their own set of challenges. My first mare, Rio, is a recovered EPM Arabian. While she has proven sound for 25 mile endurance events, it is obvious in her gait that she lacks control or feeling in her rear end. Because of this, it is hard to find a saddle that accommodates her strained lumbar area. As for my second mare, Princess, she is a retired track arab and a retired FEI Endurance World Champion (she is really my girlfriend’s horse, but I ride her now as she likes steady 50 milers, and I can handle that). Princess has hollowing occurring behind the withers as a result of her age, 17, and from years of saddles being too narrow behind the scapula. It has always been a struggle to find a saddle that is wide enough for her shoulder, accommodates her hollowing, but short enough for her back.
I believe a Freeform will help me provide my girls with the mobility and comfort they deserve carrying me through all the training and racing miles. With a proper pad for each of them – built up for Princess, but not necessary for Rio, I think their backs will last many more years doing the sport I love. I came from the Western/trail world, where an ill-fitting saddle was not a concern unless they showed pain (which was rare with short rides and stoic horses). It wasn’t until I met my girlfriend that I saw how an ill-fitting saddle can affect so much and limit our horses’ abilities. Since then, I learned so much about how they carry us and what I need to be on the lookout for. With both of my mares, it is a saddle that will provide me enough support to be comfortable, but that can move with them, allowing them to do what they love. I am truly just along for the ride, and any way I can make them more comfortable for that, I will.
March 26, 2024
Julie Freeland
How cool to have a chance to win a fabulous new Freeform saddle! I would love the comfort for my gelding and me on the trails we ride. I believe he would be more comfortable in a Freeform treeless saddle and me too. Honestly, we both need to be comfortable for trail riding to be fun.
Some of our challenges in saddle fit are because Brass is short coupled and has a fairly wide back and flat back. He gets galled easily if the girth creeps. I have been riding this horse for almost 15 years and it is a challenge to keep him happy. I guess I am easier to please. A cushy seat will work for me.
If I was the lucky winner of this Freeform saddle I would be ecstatic! I don’t compete in endurance anymore but I still absolutely love wandering around on the trails. There is so much beauty to see in the woods especially in Spring. Brass and I would be cruising in comfort with a new saddle. I would love to be an ambassador for the brand! Whoever wins will be a very lucky person and horse! Thanks for the chance.
March 26, 2024
I have a young horse that is still growing. She changes shape so quickly that she grows out of any saddle in about 6 months. She is also a solid muscular horse with a wide back. She is to wide for western saddles with V shaped trees and also the english XL interchangeable gullet system.
A free form treeless saddle would definitely be the answer. It would not restrict her allow freedom of movement for her shoulders so she can be comfortable in trot. It would also not force a U shaped horse to wear a V shaped saddle putting pressure in the wrong places.
Riding a horse is a partnership and I don’t want my partner to be uncomfortable and hurt when we ride. She also really enjoys being as naked as possible so a “barely there” treeless saddle would make her happy and give me some stability in longer rides. It also allows for more feeling of the horses back and their muscle movements enabling more suble communication and aids.
March 26, 2024
Kathy Chadwick
The saddles are made for the comfort of the horse and the rider in mind. I have a beautiful spotted saddle horse who is a very difficult fit .She has a short back with little whithers. My specific benefit with this saddle is that it is light weight. I am 58 years young and hate the heavy old saddles I own. The cushioned seat would be great for the boney butt! Your saddles are beautiful and look very comfortable.
March 26, 2024
Rose Wright
I am An older rider (64) who found a middle aged lightly ridden qh that belonged to an 80 yr old heavy set man. He was very large for this horse and I believe he may have damaged the horses back. I had X-rays done and originally they thought he may be starting with KS but then said they feel it was all due to a bad saddle fit and hopeful that a balanced lighter saddle
Would be beneficial to him.
The challenge we seem to have is after a short while out my horse is uncomfortable and doesn’t really enjoy the ride. I need a comfortable saddle
So that I too can ride the trails without hip and joint pain.
I feel that this saddle
Offers both the comfort and the convenience of light weight for both my horse and me.
I would feel blessed to have such an opportunity to have one of your beautiful quality saddles. I’m sure
My qh (junior brown) would
Enjoy some
Comfort too.
Thank you for the opportunity.
March 25, 2024
Sarah James
A Freeform Treeless Saddle would be incredibly helpful for my horse’s situation. I really like that they stay out of the horse’s way, allowing them to move more naturally and comfortably. They distribute the rider’s weight more evenly across the horse’s back than something like a bareback pad, reducing pressure points and the risk of soreness. Additionally, the flexible design accommodates a variety of horse shapes and sizes!
Like many riders, I’ve faced challenges with saddle fit and comfort for both myself and my horse. Traditional saddles often seemed to cause discomfort for my horse due to restricted movement. As a result, he exhibited signs of discomfort such as resistance, stiffness, and even behavioral issues under saddle. Due to grad school, I have had much less time to ride, leading to my horse’s topline becoming under muscled. Now that I have graduated, fitting him with a new saddle every few months while he gains back his muscling is something I have been dreading. Currently we have been using a bareback pad, but that is not ideal for longer rides due to pressure points and also is less secure for me as a rider.
Transitioning to a Freeform saddle seems like the perfect solution to our saddle-related challenges! Its treeless design would suit my horse’s developing shape and provide optimal comfort and freedom of movement. This should alleviate the discomfort and behavioral issues we have experienced with traditional saddles. Additionally, the customizable fit options ensure both my horse and I can ride comfortably and confidently, addressing our specific needs and preferences :)
March 25, 2024
Liz Rach
Thank you for the opportunity to win! I enjoyed reading through your website to better answer these questions.
The benefits I see with the Freeform saddle include some truly amazing features I did not know about. The flexi-front system sounds like a dream. Having a saddle that is this versatile and customizable almost sounds impossible in a saddle that maintains its shape and structure, and yet here is the Freeform! I am now very interested in knowing what set up would work best for me.
I had looked into treeless saddles but constantly read about how the lack of structure can cause pressure sores and even spinal damage. Freeform has found a way to provide a treeless saddle with the gullet and weight distribution topically associated with a tree.
What set up would work best for my lean 21 year old TWH who’s high withers and exaggerated shoulder movement constantly push back her saddles? Next we have my sweet, muscular, 5 year old Azteca. She’s wide and solid with a slippery barrel shape. She’s also extremely sensitive to pressure i believe I’ve now tried 7 saddles to find that perfevt fit we both can enjoy. Will this work for my growing 2 year old TWH/friesian cross when she starts training? She’s currently so butt high and round in the rear and narrow in the front, I’m already dreading finding her the perfect fit.
The main reason I’ve looked for a different type of saddle is to find a stronger connection between rider and horse. As I’ve approached middle age I have found myself more fearful than when I was younger. I’ve also realized how important the comfort and security of both rider and horse matter immensely. With the disconnect experienced in a regular saddle, I’ve found my mare is more likely to overreact or possibly endanger a rider she can’t properly feel. When she can truly feel me such as bareback, she seems to be more careful with her human on her back. I’ve felt my mare shift her weight to keep mine centered. I believe with a saddle like Freeform I’ll be able to feel that connection with her while also having the security of a well fitted saddle. This is priceless to me. I know I won’t be able to keep riding forever but having the confidence to continue means everything.
This is why I would try this saddle, for the many miles I still have ahead of me shared with my closest friend. Riding is a joined experience that both rider and horse should enjoy. Thank you Freeform for helping make this possible!
March 25, 2024
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